Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection
- Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection Youtube
- Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection Youtube
- Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection 1
To get serious, the antenna system requirement depends on several things:-Which band you want to work?-Are you satisfied working just the 'big guns' with 30 dB antenna systems or would you like to routinely work lots of stations, including 'non-'big guns?-Are you satisfied making contacts without actually hearing your own lunar reflection?It is true that using JT-65, a specialized digital mode optimized for e.m.e. Work, you can make contacts via the moon using a fairly modest station, as long as you can work the mode and aim 'something' at the moon: Even a single 13 dB Yagi and 100W can be enough to work other stations who are a bit better equipped. That was almost never possible before WSJT coding was developed.However, in doing that you probably won't hear your own reflection, and operating JT-65 still takes some skill as well as reasonably good weak signal equipment (very stable, very accurate, very sensitive, SSB-CW gear).Normally dish antennas aren't employed even for e.m.e. On any band below 70cm, and not that many moonbouncers use dishes even there. They're more commonly employed where reasonably sized ones can have a lot of gain, like 2.3 GHz and above.Stacked yagis, quads, quagis and loop yagis are far more common at 1.2 GHz and below.Moonbounce antennas are very rarely installed where they cannot be reached, such as on a tall tower. No need to put them up there, and if they're out of reach they're much more of a pain to adjust, optimize, etc.WB2WIK/6.
To get serious, the antenna system requirement depends on several things:-Which band you want to work?-Are you satisfied working just the 'big guns' with 30 dB antenna systems or would you like to routinely work lots of stations, including 'non-'big guns?-Are you satisfied making contacts without actually hearing your own lunar reflection?It is true that using JT-65, a specialized digital mode optimized for e.m.e. Work, you can make contacts via the moon using a fairly modest station, as long as you can work the mode and aim 'something' at the moon: Even a single 13 dB Yagi and 100W can be enough to work other stations who are a bit better equipped.
That was almost never possible before WSJT coding was developed.However, in doing that you probably won't hear your own reflection, and operating JT-65 still takes some skill as well as reasonably good weak signal equipment (very stable, very accurate, very sensitive, SSB-CW gear).Normally dish antennas aren't employed even for e.m.e. On any band below 70cm, and not that many moonbouncers use dishes even there. They're more commonly employed where reasonably sized ones can have a lot of gain, like 2.3 GHz and above.Stacked yagis, quads, quagis and loop yagis are far more common at 1.2 GHz and below.Moonbounce antennas are very rarely installed where they cannot be reached, such as on a tall tower. No need to put them up there, and if they're out of reach they're much more of a pain to adjust, optimize, etc.WB2WIK/6. Click to expand.I assume if you have the antennas down on the ground you want them as far away from ground clutter (trees, buildings power lines) as possible?
I was reading up on the 2 meter 440 EME that amateurs were doing back in the mid 70s, seemed like it would be interesting to try. They were mostly discussing dish antennas as the means for doing EME, the dish they were using for 2 meter or 440 MHz was around 30 feet in diameter with a duplexer at the array focal point. Looked like everything would have to be locked in tight or you wouldn't get good reception or a good signal out. I take it SSB and CW are the best modes for EME? Because they were talking about EME FM simplex with 2 meters and 440.
I know it wasn't satellite operation, because they only had the duplexer so they could switch bands if there was no contacts made on one or the other. And, it appeared from the picture that the dish was stationary, which didn't make sense to me as the moon is always moving. I figured they would have to track it across the sky to keep a good solid signal.
But, the picture was not the best quality so there might have been some mechanism to move its position, I just couldn't see it. I'm gonna guess using FM they would need a lot more power than if they used SSB phone or CW for the the contacts? I have always been interested in satellite and EME and just now starting to get the funds together to try it. Might be awhile before I am set up, but I want to make sure I do everything properly. I hate getting frustrated and wanting to bend yagi elements, just kidding.
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Because they were talking about EME FM simplex with 2 meters and 440. I know it wasn't satellite operation, because they only had the duplexer so they could switch bands if there was no contacts made on one or the other. And, it appeared from the picture that the dish was stationary, which didn't make sense to me as the moon is always moving.
I figured they would have to track it across the sky to keep a good solid signal. But, the picture was not the best quality so there might have been some mechanism to move its position, I just couldn't see it. I'm gonna guess using FM they would need a lot more power than if they used SSB phone or CW for the the contacts?
I have always been interested in satellite and EME and just now starting to get the funds together to try it. Might be awhile before I am set up, but I want to make sure I do everything properly. I hate getting frustrated and wanting to bend yagi elements, just kidding.
Click to expand.That looks hot, but I don't think the Mrs. Would let me get away with it. The thought of the tower I have sitting in the garage going up soon has ruffled her 'I want a white picket fence home' feathers. For some reason she notices the G5RV that goes from the backyard tree to the front yard tree, yet no one else that stops by notices it until I point it out.
It goes like this 'Is there anyway you can move that ladder looking thing hanging from the trees?' And, she gets irritated when I talk loud using SSB. But, I love her and she is usually pretty understanding with amateur radio except at 3 or 4 am in the morning.
Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection Youtube
Plus she doesn't enjoy listening to CW like I do, can't understand why.I assume though there are less substantial EME set ups than that thing?
Moonbounce(EME) informationDo you have a directional antenna, a 2m SSB transceiver with 50 Woutput and a PC?If your answer is YES then, believe it or not, you are capable ofmaking a QSO with EA6VQ (and other stations) using the Moon as a reflector. EME operatingprimer.mustvisit site for beginners to Moon Bounce.Do you have a page with information regarding Moon-Bounce operation and you wouldlike me to include a link to it? Just send me an E-Mail to:Interesting information, articles, news, etc., toknow in real time in which frequency are the stations calling CQ., where to meet most of the active stations. Free VHF-UHF-SHF power amplifier schemes. ondigital communications via EME using JT44 (WSJT). (or how to find out which GaAsFets you have.). Coaxial Cable data available atand web sites.,by The VHF-DX-Group DL-West., by EA1ABZ(Spanish)., KB8RQ calling CQ off the moon,and other ham-radio signals and sounds.
for 2 meter EMErs. List of current VHF+ newsletters and club information., 8th432 MHz AND ABOVE EME CONFERENCE. Information of interest for the Weak signal Community.in Arecibo, Puerto Rico via Moon Bounce on July 3, 1965 and July 24, 1965. Mike Staal is shown doing the first VHFMoon-Bounce from Antarctica. The following Pages are dedicated to building bridges between the EME,SETI and Radio Astronomy Amateur Interest Groups.,Dedicated to the Enjoyment and Exploration of Propagation on Amateur Radio FrequenciesAbove 50 MHZ.Moon bounce reflector.
Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection Youtube
(Moon-Net). Home Page. used to reflect signals off the moon in 1958. Full listing of everything to do with Amateur Radio on the Internet!., by Chuck MacCluer W8MQW.of Active EME Operators,by Scott, KD4LT.about EME. by K2UYH. for EMEresearch and related items.at short radio wavelengths., by VE3KDH., with many pictures.
Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflection 1
Pictures of EMErs by W8MQW.SITE. V-U-SHF & EME standings. with Eimac 8877. WEB page for posting real time DX-spots.Software. THE logbook for serious VHF DXrs. Withmaps, statistics and more.